Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pushup Training - A lil' Competition

A while ago I posted that cheap ploy to get some facebook likes for a pushup challenge. Well unfortunately it didnt draw the result I wanted. Everyone 'liked' the pic and not the Facebook Page....well lets try something else.

Since I've been fighting off so many injuries as of late I wanted to try out a little experiment similar to the Pullup training I did last year about this time.

Here's how it'll go.

Between now and my birth day (roughly 2 months and a week) Im going to try and knock out 5,000 pushups and an undetermined amount of pullups. The reason the pullups are questionable is I really dont know how well my elbow and shoulder will handle this sort of stress. So we shall see what my benchmarks look like.

Initial testing Im just going to get a standard warmup in and then for 1 MINUTE get as many pushups where elbow is breaking parallel (I believe thats the standard) as I can get. Then I'll start hammering out pushups from now until January 25th in which I'll retest and see how I did.

Sound fun? I think it'll be.

Pullups I'll just test to see how many I can get without letting go. I won't stress it too far and try for a minute. Maybe after my birthday if things go well. Hopefully my shoulder is mostly recovered by then. Unless I jack it up again which is a real possibility.

Im also going to throw in a heavy squat cycle for the next 6-8 weeks but Ill outline that later on when I have a better idea how that program will look.

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