Thursday, April 19, 2012

Gym Update 4/19/12

Well I figured this was going to happen. Ran into yet another speed bump. Instead of having a good small and cheap location to settle into for the moment well lets say plans fell through. So I suppose I get to jump ahead a few months into my 'plan'....of course we all know plans RARELY go how you want them to.

So lets start with some good news. Im still expanding my network client base, got a lot of interested prospects that want to train at least over the Summer, and am constantly expanding what equipment I have available. Heres a shakedown of what I have thus far. After reading you may ask; "wait, arn't you missing something vital?' If you know what it is kudos, Ill explain later, and yes Im a little worried about that factor. Anyways...
-2 ropes: 50'x2" rope and a 50'x1.5"
-Med balls: 8,10,12,15 (broken but useable), 18, 25, and 30
-Sandbags: 30,45, 80, 100lbs each
-Sledgehammers: 2x4lb mallets, 6,8,and 16
-45lb Rogue Beater Bar
-35lb Swiss Bar
-25lb Fat Bar
-2 olympic adjustable dumbbell handles (can load from 10-200lbs each)
-290lbs of Bumper plates (335 with bar total) 90 more if you count the two beat up 45lbers
-Grip Strength: 100,150,200,250, and a 300lb gripper
-2x Rogue Cannoballs
-2 pairs of Grip4orce bar grippers (reg and heavy set)
-Band Platform
-Bands:4-micros, 10 mini, 10 light, 4 average, 4 heavy, 1 MONSTER (lol this thing is ridiculous) and a pair of each short bands from EFS
-Kettlebells: 18,26, 30, 40, 2x50, 2x60, 2x70, 125lb
-Stone Molds: Just ordered a set of stone molds to make stones at 10", 12", 14", and 16". Basically 100lbs up to 280lb stones can be made.
-Tires: 2x70s, 150, 200, 300, and 400 something....nobody knows.
-2 sets of 1-5 boards
-Rollers: 1 Reg full sized Rumble Roller, 1 short stiff RR, 3 36" Foam rolls, 1x18" Roller and Rolling PINS!! Because we all LOVE those! hahah
-2 Agility ladders
-(coming soon) 4 pairs of chains @40lbs each
-(coming soon) PVC custom hurdles (homemade since buying things is overrated)
-(coming soon) Plyo and Stepup boxes (once again homemade since apparently Im pretty good at making heavy duty boxes)
-(coming soon) Slater Pine Log (about 120lbs with bars for added weight)
So thats what I have so far unless I missed something.  Did you notice some VERY vital pieces missing? Take another gander......anything?

If you said "well thats awesome but what about squat racks, plates, dumbbells, or benches???"
...yea, about that. Well the place I was to move to had all that. So now I need to scramble for finances to get the 2 racks, benches, bars, and plates to replace these. I can manage without dumbbells for the moment but not for long.

Anyways, thats just my update. Things are going well otherwise. Just need to find a home and some more pieces of equipment and Im ready to rock!

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