Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rogue Cannon Ball Review

Oh man its another equipment review time. This one is awesome. Ill just get that out of the way. A solid investment for sure. Im talking about the Rogue Cannon Balls. Two 3" 2lb balls of finger and wrist destroying steel sadism.
These little bastards make any workout into something either extremely difficult or extremely hazardous. So first off I guess with anything I seem to buy the negatives are probably the cost. About 70 bucks when it was all said and done. Really after that I can think of any. The construction is solid. The straps are doubled layered and feel extremely durable with almost zero stretch under tension. The carabiners are tough and of high quality. The balls themselves are welded nicely and powder coated for a slight added grip but believe me it does not add much. As for exercises theres many more than just the typical pullup variations. Obviously pullups are the choice but lets go over a short list of good choices and some bad ideas (but still fun). Good stuff- Pullups (duh) Inverted Rows Kettlebell, Chain, or Cable Curls Cable holds (similar to the strongman Hercules Hold) Simple gripping (attach to something and pick up and hold) Triceps Extensions (various methods similar to curls) Attach to a truck hitch and pull said truck Grip attachment for front squats (similar to using lifting straps) Bad ideas- Kettlebell swings Cleans Swinging anything really Using as fake grenades Using as an actual cannonaball Launching from stretch band slingshots Any form of throwing while indoors Giving to freshman and turning your back for 13 seconds. Embarrassing clients who claim to have a strong grip but can pick up any weight with a ball attached Id say if you are looking to improve grip strength along with a pair of Grip4orce trainers Cannon Balls are a great investment and easily portable. You can get them here. Enjoy!

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