Wednesday, October 31, 2012

300 Workout series - Round 2 Sandbag edition

Its been over 2 weeks. So lets have another go at this thing. Only this time lets bump up the intensity.

I've been having a rough time balancing energy with the new job and still getting some solid training in. Lately I've only been at it 2-3 times a week and usually am too gassed to get some of the more intense work in. Good news is my shoulder feels like its starting to heal. Back is somewhat ok. And I am down a whole 15lbs! Weighed in today at 245. About 2 months ago was about 260. So hopefully I can get a decent routine established, manage my energy (waking up at 4am is a bitch at first), and keep my diet in check and sufficient. But, anyways, onto the workout of the day...teehee- WOD.

300 reps

25 kb swings - 2x40lbs
50 sandbag squats - 45lbs
50 sandbag presses - 45lbs
50 burpees (seriously, fuck these)
50 sandbag rows - 80lbs
50 overhead sledge hits - 18.5lbs (threw a 2.5lb plate on the handle)
25 kb swings - 2x40lbs

Total time- 19:10
Damn thats embarrassing. The heavier swings using two kbs instead of one really set the tone and made an impact. I think that changed the everything for the worse. Not to mention presses were heavier, sandbag was almost twice as heavy, and sledge was 2.5 heavier than original bout.

...and fuck burpees. They can go to hell.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

300 workout series - kettlebell

Was talking to a friend of mine this week and started to knock around some ideas in my head on workouts. The following was using the '300' workout template and give it a kettlebell theme.

Reps are the following; 25/50/50/50/50/50/25 for a total of 300 reps. Yay! Math!

Swings - 70#
squats - 45#
single kb press - 30 (weak rotator cuff)
Burpees - bodyweight
Double upright row - 30s
Sledge overhead tire hit - 16lber
Swings - 70#

Total time: 16:30

Those burpees were rough. Lets see how this pans out in a few weeks.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Kettlebell Workout- Single Arm Biathlon

warmup- usual stuff with stretches focused on back, shoulders, and hips.
*side note- I blogged this from my phone today. more annoying that id thought it would be. apparently it struggles with caps.

Protocol: Biathlon Single arm
clean and jerk 1:30 / snatch 1:30

double kbs;
clean to front squat 1:30 , 45s rest. 3-5 rounds. shorter rest for harder intervals

core work
half tgu's 1min each
hammer twist/ good morning/ 30s each x2-3 rds
crunch to leg raise 1min/ seated halo 40s x 2-3 rounds

fitness: double kbs
alternate row/ alt press/ sumo dl 30s each for 3 rounds

single kb
press to overhead squat/ lateral lunge/ high swing 40s each x3 rounds

amrap: 6-10mins base on time left
8 squat jumps
15 double kb curls, close stance
15 double kb laying press
10 double high swings