Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cleveland Indians are about to get sued


Are you absolutely shitting me? It's said the flood gates are now open after the Redskins situation and I think Heath Ledger said it best.
Seriously this barely started and it's already out of control. If you are so damn offended then sue and petition to get the name changed. But 9 billion? You may as well say "we want money. Thats it. Just your money."

Next up-

Italians suing Nintendo over Mario Brothers

Every white person suing black comedians. Seriously just watch one black stand up and I guarantee there will be a white joke in there.

Nintendo again getting sued for Samus in Metroid for 'unrealistic expectations of women'
....same for Lara Croft

Latino's suing over that Spanish-American War

Japanese for the same thing. Then blacks suing whites for slavery.

Mothers against "Yo' mama" jokes.

The Blackhawks should probably get sued as well.

Who else? Im sure there are plenty of schools out there with some sort of perceived derogatory name. The shitstorm will never end.

This won't end if we don't stop it people. Besides if the Native Americans want to be treated just like everyone else then, well, I got some bad news for those casinos.

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