Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Time to start blogging

Well this whole blogging thing is new to me but I look at it as an oppurtunity to finally get my business started, advance my coaching career, and begin a path as a personal trainer.

So just in case if this seems very adlib and thrown together, well, it is.

So where to start? Well I was born and raised in Brunswick, Ohio. Went to Brunswick High School where I lettered in 4 sports (Football, Wrestling, Swimming, and Track and Field). Track has always been my favorite sport and I really believe is what led me to my current career path. Almost the day I graduated I began coaching a peewee football team and I was hooked. We started as an unknown 1-7 team to within 3 years becoming division champions and undefeated the last 2 years I coached. I was then offered a position to work with the defense at Woodridge Junior High and was excited to be getting paid for what I love doing. In the two years I was there we had compiled a record of 15-0-1 (middle school does not have overtime unfortunately) with a total of teams scoring on average less than 7 points a game. At this same time period I also began coaching Jr. High Track at Brunswick. This was still voluntary but provided some invaluable experience. First two season I had 5 conferance champions! This actually led to my hiring as the Varsity coach and thus led what first started as a struggling program to having some of the best throwers in Ohio.
Current highlights;
Girls Discus Record- 147'7"
Boys Shot Put Record- 60'2.25"
Boys Discus Relay Record- 444'10"
Girls Shot Put Relay Record- 101'8"
Boys Indoor Weight (25#)- 61'
Girls Indoor Weight (20#)- 43'
1- All-American
1- State Champion
4- State Runner ups
9- All State
8- Conference Titles

In the 7 short years Ive been the coach at Brunswick's Throws program I have also worked extensively with the sprinters to develop strength, power, and also injury prevention. I also have been entrusted with the position of Fall Strength and Conditioning for not only T&F but also Wrestling and Baseball. I will say during my years at Kent State was incredibly helpful as I had my internship from there through Kris Lewandowski of SPI (Sports Performance Institute). Through my past training and experiences I am very confident in the upcoming seasons and wish good luck to everyone of my athletes.... all 95 of them.

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