Monday, February 28, 2011

Back at it

Well its official- Im back to square one it seems.

Three weeks later after being sick, feverish, complete loss of appetite, and just feeling miserable I can tell most of my lifts are down almost 10%. I am also down almost 15 lbs total bodyweight since I got whatever it was that I had. Now Im trying to let my lungs recover since I am still having a hard time breathing.

So I hit the weights pretty hard this morning. Yep, 6am lifting brought on by my fresh batch of NO Shotgun. I definitely had a renewed sense of purpose and Nate (one of my throwers) put it best "its like getting really amped up for a fight you know you are going to get your ass kicked." That was about 95% true. Everything felt heavy and I just feel soft now. I looked back at my old workouts and I am roughly back to November as far as upper body. I dont know the damage of my lower body just yet but Ill figure that out tommorow morning.

Either way heres how today went-
Shoulder pre-hab work
Bench press 5x6@225, 5x225 w/light bands (way down)
DB Incline press 12x70, 10x70, 8x65, 8x65, 9x60
Bentover Row 5x6@210, 8x210 w/mini bands (think i hurt my back already)
Pullups 4,5,5 - Eccentric pullups 2x5
DB Overhead press 3x8@40lbs, 12x40lbs
T-band Row , micro band 3x15

So here we go again. Im rewinding all the way back to November so I can hopefully restore all this lost muscle and strength I used to have.

...and things were going so damn good.

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