Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Failed test week

Eff-you Bronchitis.

If I were to sum up this week (yes, I realize its Tuesday only) that first phrase would fit it perfectly.

I want to say 6 weeks of training went to waste but I'm not 100% sure just yet. I'm probably long overdue for a good de-load week or two and perhaps being sick will just reinforce that. Trouble is I really feel like I was getting strong as hell the past 3 weeks and this week is just frustrating now.

I'm not even going to bother squatting this week. I tried benching yesterday and just feel miserable. Shoulder hurts, foots sore, and everything is sore just from two exercises (failed attempt at max bench and some face pulls with a mini-band. I wanted to work up to a single rep max in bench and could tell something was off right from the get go. My shoulder took way longer than normal to get warmed up and 225 felt extremely heavy. Two weeks ago just messing around I repped 225 a lifetime PR of 18 reps and 5 felt difficult last night. Well I worked up to 315 and my intention was to hit it twice. One rep made me realize that was NOT going to happen. So just throwing caution to the wind I went straight to what should have been a 5lb single PR- 345. Got it off the rack. Brought it down. Never had a shot at going back up. So much for a big PR I was looking forward to. This is even more frustrating as just a week ago I hit new PRs with 350x1 with a 2-board and 370x1 with a 3 board. In fact I really felt that 405 on a 3 board is just right around the corner considering not even 2 months ago I couldn't even budge 365 off 4 boards.

I have video of nearly dropping 345 on me off the rack and struggling with 315 but figured that crap ain't even worth posting up anymore. I do have some decent footage of my throwers putting in work, however. So I figure once we get some big lifts in to finish off this week I get those vids posted.

I'm probably more to blame than anything since this whole weekend was just a blur. Friends birthday on Friday and our track fundraiser Saturday led to a really groggy Sunday. I missed most of the Super Bowl due to just being exhausted. Took a nap at around 6:30pm after only getting 4 hours of sleep Saturday night which followed a very limited night of rest Friday. So really this train wreck got rolling Friday afternoon with a good hard workout but then I probably got less sleep the next 2 nights then I would a normal night.

So moral of the story? Got to get my priorities right. Last weekend was just bad timing to go on a bender and now Im paying for it. So now its chicken noodle soup, a gallon of water, and sitting in bed until this thing passes.

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