Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2013 Throwing recap / thoughts

As I sit here with my foot drowning in sub 50 degree water and struggling for a distraction I started to get some thoughts together on the past season. It was a bit of a struggle, learning experience, and a bust as much as a success.

Here's a quick look at what I learned ;

Despite snow and ice Ohio weather can still be dealt with when it comes to throwing in mid January. It just takes much more preparation. And sometimes a steel shovel. And hand warmers.

Switching from Adidas to Nike shoes was the worst decision I made this year. My right foot, 3 months later, is still paying for it. The arch still is struggling to heal proper. I think I may be done wearing Nike for now on.

Even after 12 years of throwing my technique is still far from perfect.

I've gotten crazy slow since my 'good years'.

I still believe active recovery is the best method to heal by. Anytime I feel sore or beat up and decide to just relax I feel worse.

I'm starting to lean more and more to the camp of "overtraining is a bullshit concept". You'll eventually get used to it with enough sleep and food.

No matter what administrators will do what they can to piss you off then go full hypocrite behind your back.

Lastly, not exactly training related, is a money thing. I think Warren Buffet said "save first then spend". I've done much better with this idea this year. Unfortunately not quite enough. Looking back there's definitely some things I wish I didn't buy or dumb things I blew money on but at least I plugged that leak before I wasted everything. But back to the quote this is sound advice for anyone. Everytime you are paid for anything always put a percentage into savings. At least 10%. Lately I've been trying to put 25% in. And after bills that may not lead to much left to spend but that's just how it is. Looking back if I followed this simple concept I could EASILY have the money needed to get the gym started and pay first years rent to boot.

To wrap up I'll leave on a quote that my ex told me. "Quit dwelling on what you can't change. Worry about what is to come". So hopefully others learn from my mistakes and as for me I can only look to what I can do from now on.

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