Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2 Weeks Until Warrior Dash

Actually less than that. I will be honest...I am not ready for this crap. My foot is still a mess and realistically the most running I've been doing lately is the occasional Rugby practice. Now I've heard this course is not really that bad at all. It's the one near Canton, Ohio FYI. Heard it is pretty flat and not very challenging. So that is at least good news. My grip is just running that long without much training is a little unsettling to me. Although I heard that there are usually traffic jams near the obstacles anyways so I guess I'll get some rest stops along the way. Works for me, I guess.

I have practice tonight so running should get taken care of there. Otherwise I have about 12 days to prepare. So likely tomorrow Im hitting the bleachers again. Thursday I don't think theres practice so it'll likely be a sprint and sled pushing day. Friday I may try and get some hill runs in. Saturday maybe a few miles? Sunday I have pretty much booked so maybe a quick lift and thats about it. Like I said the biggest issue I am going to have is my right foot is still recovering. 5th metatarsal is likely going through a stress fracture. Lot of swelling in the usual spot (I've had this injury before). So that's the plan but we shall see how Im feeling day to day.

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