Thursday, May 29, 2014

Don't Do Crossfit

Well if my click-bait title worked then welcome. If you're familiar with the absolute shitstorm in the fitness community in the past few days then this article is already known to you.

Now, I actually DO NOT do Crossfit either. In the strict sense. I have my own little slice of heaven of a gym. And do my own workouts. I rarely look at much less follow the main site WODs nor crank out the high rep barbell complexes as often as CF does. To me that's nonsense and doesn't follow my goals. But here's the thing- I do plan on eventually owning my own 'box'. My own bigger slice of heaven with "Crossfit" somewhere slapped on the name. Why? Its working and its only getting bigger.

The thing is if you bothered to read Erins article its loaded with bullshit. Pure and simple. She even tries to back it up with other articles and WebMD sources but then completely ignores the fact that the same very articles actually encourage the reader to use CF but at their own careful discretion. Like. Any. Other. Fucking. Workout. The doctors cited are even CF enthusiasts. So I am not sure how she's backing up her own article. Lastly, she cites injuries as a MAJOR issue. I find that ironic coming from a former Javelin thrower (one of the highest injury rated events) and from someone who advocates Spartan obstacle races (where people actually DIE). Simple research shows that per participant the injury rate amongst COMPETITIVE Crossfitters is no where near as high as other sports. Didn't even make the lists from my look around the webs. And notice earlier I said competitive . Ya know, those folks that are pushing themselves to the absolute damn limit. Regular schmucks are not even a thought when it comes to recent years with most gyms that actually have competent trainers.

She also bases most of this on her own experiences of one or two gyms. Thats it? I had to see 6 doctors before finding on I actually liked that didn't just give me drugs and helped me with my daily beatings I take from playing ball. If I followed her logic I would've called it quits and just used WebMD like she did to diagnose everything. Plus she has a cute video of her attempting what seems to be a CF-ish workout. Her cleans are terrible. Swings use little hip hinge. And those evil deadlifts she's doing are with a damn kettlebell at half ROM. Seriously? So your experience is minimal at best and you can't even perform the actual movements correctly? Either you found a fail-box of a gym or you yourself are just not competent enough to enjoy what CF can offer. I've never played Lacrosse outside of a few times in a classroom. One time I got hit in the face with the ball. So therefore that shit is evil and nobody should be playing it. Logic.

Ok, the weekend certification I get. 2 days in a gym and pass a test. But you know whats worse? All of these Personal Trainer Certifications that you can just sign up to take and BAM certified PT. Where is the outcry about that? Your regular gym rat can get certified and then go out and rent his own studio and hurt everyone he wants. So why wasn't that mentioned? What about these Instagram Fitness Guru's that spew advice to the masses but are basically just a pretty face that works out a lot? Plus the certifications are no where near as tough as CF cert. I won't mention which one but I recently was certified by signing up, sitting down to test, and an hour later walked out with my papers. I studied NOTHING that the organization recommended. Not a damn thing. And since it was all multiple choice someone else with basic training knowledge could just as easily done the same and guessed. The CF certification? You are not even allowed to test until completing the weekend workshop which makes you perform the basic movements and workouts. Sure you won't learn everything there is to know but Ive seen these chuckle-heads with degree's come out of college and have no idea how normal people operate and can't train them. Or even with a degree they themselves have very little practical experience in the weight room or field. There's good and bad to both ends.

Lastly, after killing her credibility by saying deadlifts are bad but clean pulls are good (damn near same exercise just one is a bit light except should be done fast) she then destroys her whole argument by saying all CF gyms are bad. Period. That every last one should not be used at all. That is one helluva statement to finish that article with. Im surprised Glassman isn't already suing her for slander. Regardless I find it a bit ironic. To say that a general WOD (which each and every gym has their own and it's different every day) is not a good idea for the masses and everyone should do their own specific workout (judging by her site- her workouts***) but then makes a very generalized statement about the THOUSANDS of CF gyms around the globe. Saying theyre all the same and are bad. Derp...

***If you look at some of her example workouts on her blog they look strikingly familiar to some WOD's Ive seen. Very suspicious***

Anyways, I think Juggernaut made a great point about the situation. Crossfit IS IN FACT a sport. With qualifying, standards, competition, and prizes. It is NOT A TRAINING METHOD. Not anymore. Everyone has their own way. If you train FOR Crossfit that means you are training to compete. If you are training AT a Crossfit gym that just means you enjoy some good ole fashioned HIIT workouts. Which those have been around a long time and well before CF tried to claim them as their own.

I can only hope the best for her and her misguided ways. Because to be totally honest this girl just brought the internet hate machine down on her when that article went viral. And trust me the internet does not forgive nor does it show mercy.

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