Thursday, May 29, 2014

Next 30-Day Challenge

Alright, so after my last rant blog I got to change gears and share some good news. Training is actually going well despite this weeks down time. Memorial Day took a bite out of my workouts and now just catching back up and settling into new routine. Rugby for high school girls is almost done (State Finalists!!) and track is wrapping up. Plus the kids are out of school so that means training time for them is right when I would normally work out. I swear once I get knocked out of my routine I have a hell of a time getting back at it. So anyways....

Last challenge was that of a pullup/ pushup mix. To show you how bad my upper strength got after my wrist surgery I was at about 15 MAX pushups and ONE FUCKING PULLUP. Yuck. Plus the pushups had to be done using dumbbells for my hands as I couldn't extend my wrist back enough. I still do that but it is no where near as bad. So how are the results after 30 days?

Regular sets of 20+ pushups and up to a max of 7 pullups. I can hit regular sets of 4-6 for multiple sets but essentially my pullups have increased 700%!!!!

So as the title suggested whats the next challenge? MOAR PULLUPSSSS!!! Once upon a time I could do 15 at 270lbs so I want to get back that and more. The 15 reps I mean. I was hefty back then and the knees ain't liking the abuse anymore. So to help facilitate the trimming, and take it easy on said knees and right foot (it's been bad but not as shitty as last Summer) I will also add on the 300 swing challenge. Simply get 300 swings in daily. 9,000 swings. Thems a lot of swingings.

This is also rugby 7's season and I'm ALMOST ready. Sort of. Not as strong as I used to be but I can fix that. So on top of the challenge I am basically going back on some older training methods just mixed in with timed sets, more focus on maximum strength, and a lot of stones and hammers. I like stones and hammers. Speaking of which I need a new 230 stone....should get on that this weekend.

Well Im off. Running workout won't finish itself.

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