Thursday, March 21, 2013

Crossfit 13.1 - First Timer

Oh, God, why the fuck did I try this?

Quick background- My fitness sucks right now. Like bad. I just started adding some conditioning and GPP into my workouts last week but not much and today for whatever damn reason I decided to add the 13.1 Open workout to the end of my dynamic day. Which involved; sled sprints, heavy ass kettlebell swings to triple long jumps, DB snatches, and heavy step ups.

For starts I screwed up the order. You're supposed to do 40 burpees right off but instead did 75lb snatches from the floor first. Secondly, apparently doing 30 snatches is a lot harder than I first thought. Oh yea, and Im terrible at burpees.

End result? Despite the fuck up and non-official nature....


I don't know what that means or how that compares but I know it aint good. Considering that aint even half the posted workout. I heard the 13.2 was better so Ill try that in a few days. 

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