Monday, June 9, 2014

Mondays WOD and 30-Day Challenge Updates

OK, so first off I was attempting a new 30-day challenge in which I tried to knock out the 300 swings workout. Well that failed. Primarily it had to do with this upcoming Highland/Strongman competition I decided to sign up for. All that stone lifting, deadlifting, carrying, squatting, and overhead pressing has got my back all kinds of knotted up and swinging just wasn't helping the cause. Im still on that pullup kick. Up to 8 on one go! Plus I can knock out sets of 5-6 pretty regularly. So getting 30-40 reps in a day isn't so bad anymore. Although, if I really want to see some better growth I need to ramp those numbers up to 80-100 on pull days and off days. Otherwise I feel I may start to stall.

As for everything else I feel my fitness is getting better. 400m runs are not nearly as tough as they used to be. Still rough. Especially thrown in a WOD like todays. Plus I still have those nagging hamstring issues I need to sort out. Feels like they're just weak and need some strength built up.

Swiss Bar Press Jerk - Worked up to MAX 5x185
Bench (still close grip) - High volume warmups and 4x5@229 (actually made weight all sets this time)
Triceps beat down with pullover extensions
40x Pullups mixed in

4 rounds for time
15 pushups
30 heavy rope waves (need to add more next time)
400m run
 (this shit sucked hard) Finished in almost 15 flat. 

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