Sunday, June 15, 2014

TABATA is the Devil

Long story short for today I attempted to go heavy on bench work. Didn't even get through my warmup sets when something felt very wrong in my left pec. Definitely a strain of some kind. Doesn't hurt at rest but pressing straight away is out of the question right now. Had to switch gears to a pull day instead. Didn't go heavy just a lot of volume work. Sets of 12 and 20s.

Then I had a stupid idea.

Let's do a TABATA finisher! But what exercise? Hmmmm.....hanging row! Yes! But hey I'm awesome at those so let's use a god damn fat bar!

I finished 2 rounds. The rest ended about as miserable as you may imagined it would. My grip gave out well ahead of my shoulders. Suppose I should've saw that coming.

FYI if you are unfamiliar with Tabata it is simply perform work for 20 seconds, rest for 10, repeat for a total of 4 minutes. Or 8 rounds. Get as many reps as possible in those 20s bouts. The simplest exercises turn into a damn nightmare.

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