Monday, June 30, 2014

Shoulder Injury Update

Last week I made a gripe post about my damn shoulder. I do have some sort of good news today. It's starting to heal. A bit.
Thats my normal range of motion. Left arm is fine for the most part. 
And this is where my right arm is. I'm even cheating a bit by tilting sideways. Still much better than last week...
Yeesh. I forgot it was that bad. Better a memory to be honest. 

I do still have a major concern. Since the lateral delts are firing better I can raise my arm sideways with no major issue now. I just need to work on that end range. What is bugging me is this- the front delt;
I am Left side is my left arm and everything is how it should be. Right side, however, is in bad shape still. Arm is almost appearing to 'droop' lower and obviously the front delt aint firing hardly at all. It still triggers up till about 90 degrees then it gets a little rough. It's a very weird feeling dealing with it.

I'm hoping a few more visits to the chiro can clean this mess up.

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