Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wouldn't be another week of training without a new injury

Seriously. This shit's getting old. This week has been garbage ever since Sunday. So check this out-

Exhibit A is what good range of motion should be. Exhibit B on the hand...no bueno. I in all honesty cannot get my arm farther up than that. And Im even tilting to the left to 'cheat' it up there a bit.

So what happened? Apparently committed the heinous crime of sleeping. I woke up Sunday and felt some pain in my neck and a little bit in the shoulder. Figured I just slept on it wrong like I often do. But then the day went on and it just got worse. And worse. And sure enough I was in agonizing pain. I haven't felt crippling pain like this since my bout with sciatica when I blew my back out. It actually very much felt the same except in my shoulder.

Luckily I already had an appointment with the Chiro Monday afternoon just to get a tune up and instead Im going in there with legitimate gripes about my body. We moved me around and didn't notice anything off. Palpated here and there and said everythings where it should be. Then the x-rays came. This is where the concern drew up. Apparently instead of a gentle curve in my neck the spine makes a straight line. To the point one or two vertebrae seem to been tilting inward. Which could mean degenerative discs. Great.

He put me through a quick adjustment focusing on the neck. I actually felt a little better right away. I scheduled a follow up and was on my way. Actually felt like I got something done. Right until about 10pm that night. Best way I can describe it is something like this:

That bad.

So the better part of my morning was spent in bed trying to lie completely motionless so as to not aggravate the damn thing again. Only left to go to throws practice at 10 to which I then slapped a bag of ice on the shoulder to see if that would have an effect. It actually did a little bit. I tried doing some exercises as well to see what I could actually do and surprised that not everything is lost. I still thought it was pretty pathetic when I couldn't hold a 5lb dumbbell at full extension without my arm dropping down.

One curious thing to note is the over compensation of the right latimus whenever I picked something up. It seems the delts are so out of whack right now that my body is just clawing at other muscles to do the same work. Hopefully that little tidbit of knowledge can help my doc figure out whats wrong. Fingers crossed.

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