Thursday, August 15, 2013

I'll Never Get This Sleeping Thing Figured Out

Well it's almost the weekend and my only thoughts are not of partying, being outside, getting things done, etc.etc.etc. Nope. Just catching up on Z's. That's the problem with this lifestyle I suppose. There just isn't enough time in the day to get sleep in. Between working, training, coaching, then either training again or practice the hours run out quick. Not to mention that much activity requires even more sleep than the usual individual.

Can you believe it that its reccomended to get in at least 8 hours a night? Pretty crazy huh? When was the last time you got that much in? I THINK I may have landed a solid 8 hours last Friday. Maybe. Lately, however, if I figure how to get that much in it's through a 4-6 hour sleep and then a later nap. Which usually ruins my day since I'll wake up all groggy anyways then just get nothing accomplished there after.

So what even inspired this post? The fact that I just took a 15 minute nap and feel WIDE FRIGGIN' AWAKE!!! I will never figure this mess out. All I know is the body reacts very positively to 15-20mins of sleep or also known as the mighty Power Nap. Theres a major problem hitting that though. Any more then you suddenly wake up feeling more tired than you did prior to that nap. Has to do with the REM cycle. I'm too lazy to look all the fun facts up at the moment but that is really it. 20 minutes and you shut down the REM cycle before it really kicks in and the body never quite makes it into full shutdown mode. Think of it like putting your computer to sleep compared to shutting it off. Might save energy shutting down but sleep mode allows a quicker reboot. So something like that.

So how the hell do you pull that off? Couple options were lay down to take a nap but first pop a caffein pill or some sort of stim. If you manage to fall asleep sooner than later then the stim when it finally kicks in will jump you out of your sleep. The obvious option is an alarm clock. Set it for 25-35 minutes. The prob here is this is assuming you can fall asleep quickly. If you can't then plan ahead a little bit more. Set it to 45 minutes even. Any longer and if you do happen to nod off quick then you're going to be in for a rude awakening. The last option that I kind of like is sleeping in a recliner or chair. This is more personal preference but I never sleep long in a chair or basically anything not a bed. So that may be worth a shot.

Well Im off with this crazy new found energy spike....on 5 hours +15mins of sleep.

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