Sunday, August 18, 2013

Spartan 300 Workout

This looked pretty rough. Maybe even overkill. The 'intro' Spartan Race is just a 5k so performing this much work seems like a LOT. Regardless there are some more extreme versions of the race so I suppose if you can hit this in good time you are ready.

The Spartan 300
1. 30 Burpees
2. 30 Burpee/Pullups
3. 30 Pullups
4. 30 Box jumps
5. 30 Medicine Ball Squat Throws
6. 100 Jumping Jacks
7. 300 crunches
8. 30 body weight squats
9. 30 side kicks (each side)
10. 30 jumping lunges
11. 30 curls
12. 30 Tricip overhead presses
13. 30 frog jumps
14. 30 squat jumps
15. 3 x rope climbs

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