Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Funday

Its the beginning of the week and its time for some maxing out! The day to smash some weights and hit some PR's. Well for the most part. Today was realistically more a learning day.

I wanted to have a mock competition. Get at least 3 attempts at some big singles and try for more if I could. So not a pure meet but just get an idea where I am at lifting wise. The results went good and bad.

Clean and Jerk - 240lbs
Snatch - 190lbs
 Total - 430lbs

Yeesh. I really need to work my leg strength AND apparently my shoulders are weak as hell. That fact really is not much a surprise to me. I never had a stellar over head press. But the truth is at my body weight I should be hitting bigger numbers by default. Instead Im struggling hitting what I use to get 5 years ago. I will say my Snatch has improved immensely. I just have a hard time holding at the catch and standing up with it. Usually falls out of position. My weakest aspect in the Clean and Jerk is by the Jerk. I need to make some blocks so I can train specifically the Jerk movement. That and just get my damn overhead strength up. This is frustrating.

Well tomorrow starts the first full week of the new lifting schedule. Im not really a fan of this. Really going to miss being well and done by 1pm. But I may dip into the weight during the day to see what the new class schedule looks like. If I can get a workout in early then all the better. Otherwise its nap time for this guy. 

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