Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lynne Crossfit Benchmark

I took a shot at another Crossfit workout today: "Lynne". I'm starting to like these benchmark lifts for a quick GPP session after a lift. Hit upper body pretty hard today and wanted something that hit a similar end. If you don't know Isabel is essentially supersetting cleans with ring dips and performing sets of 21-15-9. The cleans wern't bad. Dips kicked my ass. Between my shoulder going foul today and already being worn out the dips weren't happening. So I tied a band to the rack and stuck my knee in there and did them with some assistance. I think my total time was somewhere around 9:30 but at the moment I really don't remember.

Two things I picked up from today is I need to get in some serious shoulder rehab work and possibly work on my dips if I'm going to keep doing this. My dips are worse than my pullups.

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